
A Geometrical Limit

(A new question of the week) We usually see limits applied to functions in a calculus class. An interesting question from late October deals with a limit in a geometrical construction based on a function. We’ll be seeing how to discover a proof, then several alternative proofs, and finally what the answer means.

Infinitely Truncating a Triangle

(A new question of the week) Here is an intriguing question we got at the end of September from an adult whose name I’ll shorten to Arun.

Frequently Questioned Answers: 0.999… = 1

Having looked at two common questions in probability that are often challenged, let’s turn to the realm of numbers. Non-terminating decimals are inherently problematic, and one particular example causes difficulty for many, even after they fully accept the mathematics of it. Our FAQ page on this topic, at 0.9999… = 1, is very brief, and …

Frequently Questioned Answers: 0.999… = 1 Read More »

L’Hôpital’s Rule: One More Example

(A new question of the week) Having just looked at L’Hôpital’s Rule, we can conclude with a look at a recent question about it, to illustrate the reality of struggling to apply it (and the process we go through to help a student find an error).

L’Hôpital’s Rule: What and Why

The next few posts will look at a powerful technique for finding limits in calculus, called L’Hôpital’s Rule. Here, we’ll introduce what it is, and why it works. In the next post we’ll examine some harder cases.

What’s the Point of Limits?

(An archive question of the week) Many calculus courses start out with a chapter on limits; or they may be introduced in a “precalculus” course. But too often the concept is not sufficiently motivated. What good are limits? Why did they have to be invented? Are they as simple as they seem? Why is an epsilon-delta …

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