
Anything to the Zero Power: Why 1?

We’ve been looking at oddities of zero. Because “nothing” behaves differently than “something”, operations with it can be surprising. Although students learn that \(x^0=1\) for any non-zero number x, they often wonder, why?? I’ve selected a few out of at least a dozen such questions in our archive.

Comparing Logarithms With Different Bases

Logarithms are not hard to work with when only one base is involved (as in most real-life problems); but they can be challenging when each log has a different base. Here, we’ll look at a few problems in which we have to compare logarithms with different bases, showing various strategies.

An Age Proportion Problem: Multiple Methods

(A new question of the week) Some problems can be done either by algebra or by basic arithmetic methods and some creativity; and although algebra generally makes work easier by making it routine, sometimes special-purpose thinking (once you have thought it!) can be quicker. Here we have a problem where a creative method didn’t quite …

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