
How Do You Simplify a Fraction?

Last time we examined the basic concept of equivalent fractions – the fact that different fractions can represent the same value. We saw that there will be one way to write a fraction that is “in lowest terms” – no other fraction with the same value will involve smaller numbers, and all the others can …

How Do You Simplify a Fraction? Read More »

Improper Fractions: What Are They, and Why?

In working through topics pertaining to fractions, I find that questions about improper fractions are common. Today we’ll look at questions about the definition of the term, and next time we’ll move on to mixed numbers and how to convert between the two forms.

Fractions: What Are They, and Why?

We’ve looked at some specific ideas about fractions (their proper definition, their relationship to decimals, and how to divide them); it’s time to go through this topic from the beginning. Here we’ll look at how they are introduced to beginners, and how to keep them from hurting our brains!

Monkeys and Coconuts: Several Ways to Solve

Here is another puzzle we have received and answered many times. (I count 7 that have been archived.) It has several variations, which make it even more interesting. The story varies, too; sometimes the monkeys are the stars, other times they just get the leftovers. Someone could to an interesting folklore study on this one.