Month: August 2024

Integration: Sometimes It Just Can’t Be Done!

Having looked at what it takes to work out an indefinite integral, using all our tools, we need to face something that isn’t explained often enough: Some integrals aren’t just difficult; they’re impossible! We’ll look at what we’ve said in several cases where this issue arose.

Integration: It Takes a Whole Toolbox

Individual techniques of integration, as discussed in the last two posts, don’t represent the reality of the process, any more than demonstrating how to use a hammer or a screwdriver shows how to do carpentry. Let’s look at two questions we’ve had about challenging integrals that require a combination of methods. We’ll be using substitution, …

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Integration: Choosing a Substitution to Try

Having looked at two basic techniques of integration, let’s start putting things together. How do you approach an integral without knowing what method to use? We’ll focus on substitution here, which is also called “change of variables”.

Integrating Rational Functions: Beyond Partial Fractions

A couple recent questions offered tricks for integrating rational functions, opportunistically modifying or working around the usual method of partial fractions. We have previously discussed this method in Partial Fractions: How and Why, and in Integration: Partial Fractions and Substitution, where we looked at other variations.