What is a Ratio, Really?
A recent question reminded me I hadn’t yet written about the complexity surrounding the definition of ratio (and related terms, like rate and fraction). Here are four questions about the words.
A recent question reminded me I hadn’t yet written about the complexity surrounding the definition of ratio (and related terms, like rate and fraction). Here are four questions about the words.
Last time we looked at how to find the length of material on a roll, making some necessary simplifications. Here, I want to look at some variations on that: first, about carpet in particular, and then about wire on a spool.
One of the more frequent questions we had on Ask Dr. Math was about how to find the length of material (carpet, paper, wire, etc.) on a roll, knowing only the inner and outer diameters and something else: the thickness of the material, or the number of turns, or the original size of the roll. …
Last time we looked at the meaning of the concept of locus. This time, we’ll explore seven examples, from two students. We’ll look at both algebraic (equation) and geometric (description) perspectives.